Let’s Make Lunch!
Virtually on alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays
Let's Make Lunch! is an invitation for us to show up and prepare nourishment for ourselves (whatever that looks like for you on a given day) in virtual community.
Think of it like coworking or having buddies for accountability specifically for making food.
“I love that I can show up to Let’s Make Lunch feeling tired with a messy kitchen and no plan and leave feeling nourished on multiple levels!”
–Johanna Schram
We gather on Google Meet, and it looks like this:
First, we greet each other and share what foods we hope to make to nourish ourselves. If you aren’t sure or have questions, you’re welcome to take inspiration and solicit advice from me and/or the community.
Most of our time together is for food preparation. Microphones are turned off to minimize loud noises. Video is left on or off according to your needs. If you have a question or run into a problem, please unmute and ask me for help!
In the final 5 min or when everyone’s done cooking, I welcome everyone back and we share and celebrate the foods we have made.
If you finish preparing your nourishment faster, you may eat (on or off camera), and communicate with others in the chat if you wish. You may also come and go according to what serves and supports you!
There is NO CHARGE to join! I do request small donations which go to my Pay-It-Forward Fund, supporting my clients who need low- or no-cost services.
If you find this space supportive and are financially able, I hope you will support my work. If you find this space supportive and are not financially able to offer donations, I hope you will keep showing up to nourish yourself!
“Jex has provided a warm, welcoming, and inviting space routinely to make lunch together. Connection is important to me when sharing meals, so it's such a fun and refreshing opportunity to connect with folks virtually as they cook and eat!”
Upcoming Dates
Tuesdays at 12:00 pm EST:
November 5
November 19
December 3
December 17
December 31
January 14
January 28
Thursdays at 12:00 pm EST:
November 14
November 28
December 12
December 26
January 9
January 23
How to Join
If you want to join, contact me and I will send you the community agreements for holding this nourishing space. Once you’ve looked them over, I’ll add you to the Google Calendar events, where you can RSVP for the dates you can attend. I hope to make something tasty with you soon!